Click on a Chapter to see their activity for 2024

See Chapter activity from 2023 HERE


March 1, 2025

SOAR 20-Year Anniversary Gala.

More details coming soon.


SOAR Annual Christmas Campaign to give EVERY child a Christmas to remember!

Learn more HERE.

December 3-31, 2024

SOAR Giving Tuesday Campaign for Displaced Artsakh Families.

Donate HERE.

National Campaign for Children in Lebanon


Artsakh Relief Campaign


November 23, 2024

Sponsor George as he runs in the 2024 Philly Marathon Weekend 8K!

He is running to raise $5,000 for Artsakh relief.

Sponsor George HERE.

November 16, 2024

Online giving webinar – Partnering with SOAR – Vision for 2025 and Beyond

Register HERE.

Month of September

SOAR dedicated the month of September to our Fallen Soldier and Displaced Artsakh Families.

Thru September 8, 2024

SOAR Annual NFL Eliminator Pool!

Register HERE.

Make your online payment HERE.


SOAR hosted a celebration in Armenia for International Children’s Day.


SOAR hosted a celebration in Armenia for International Children’s Day.


SOAR Founder and Executive Board Chairman, George S. Yacoubian, Jr., and SOAR staff in Armenia visit to the Warm Hearth facilities.

Visit to Warm Hearth facilities, Armenia

SOAR Held Our Annual Easter Campaign

Thru March 21st

SOAR National Annual March Madness!

Register HERE

Pay online HERE


SOAR Aarhus participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Albuquerque participates in the Cultural Discovery Program and the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Amman participates in the Cultural Discovery Program and the Language Tutoring Program


SOAR Amsterdam participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


Thru January 13, 2025

SOAR Anchorage Christmas Campaign

Make your donation HERE.

Thru January 14, 2024

SOAR Anchorage Campaign for Artsakh Relief


SOAR Ankara participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


SOAR Antwerp participates in the Female Empowerment Program and the Cultural Discovery Program



November 9, 2024

“Ginny Fest”, Armenian Wine Tasting in honor of Atlanta’s Chapter President, Ginny Kevorkian.

In Lieu of gifts, Ginny is asking for donations to be made to help the Family of Fallen Armenian Soldier Babken Adamyan.

Please RSVP to Ginny at:

Phone: 574.250.3738


(Please indicate in the notes if you will be attending and the number of guests).


December 7, 2024

SOAR Baltimore is hosting a “Holiday Gift Sale & Donation Drive.

Come visit us at Saint Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church!

Can’t make it to the event? You can still donate to our cause and help bring hope to Armenian orphans this holiday season!


Prefer cash? Venmo your donation to @SOAR-National, but be sure to mention SOAR Baltimore in the notes!

Drawing January 8, 2024

SOAR Baltimore and Syracuse held a 50/50 Raffle for Artsakh Relief.


Barcelona CDP presentation to SOS Idjevan


SOAR Barcelona presentation to the children at SOS Villages-Idjevan through the Cultural Discovery Program 

SOAR Barcelona conducts regular Spanish classes with TC residents through the Language Tutoring Program 

SOAR Barcelona participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


SOAR Berlin’s Ruzanna Harutyunyan gives regular English classes to the children of SOS villages and German tutoring to residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers through the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Berlin participates in the Female Empowerment Program and the Language Tutoring Program


January 27, 2024

SOAR Boston Soiree & Fashion Show for Artsakh Relief

Learn more and get your tickets/donate HERE.


November 28, 2024

SOAR Brussels Stand Up Comedy Event.

Get your tickets HERE!

July 10, 2024

SOAR Brussels Charity Concert.

April 19, 2024

SOAR Brussels Charity Event.


SOAR Bucharest participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


SOAR Budapest participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


SOAR Buenos Aires Chapter President Luciana Minassian been visiting and contacting mothers from Yerablur and Abovyan (2020 and September 2022 fallen soldiers).

Recently she visited Armine Sirekanyan, from Abovyan region visiting the cemetery on November 5th, 2023. Her two sons were fighting alongside each other on September 13th, 2022, Shah lost his life and Karen survived the attack.

Next, she went straight to Anush Sahakyan´s home. Her son Erik lost his life during the 2020 Artsakh War.

Luciana texts with Mariam, who is the daughter of Susanna Grigoryan, from September´s 2022 female fallen combatants and visited her grave.

GO HERE to view the publication Luciana wrote in cooperation with Uzay Bulut.


SOAR Cadiz president Alla Khosrovyan gives regular lessons in Russian to the children of SOS Children’s Villages Kotayk and Idjevan

SOAR Cadiz participates in the Language Tutoring Program

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors in Cairo, they are making a meaningful difference in the lives of at-risk Armenian children and families year after year.


November, 2024 SOAR Charlotte held a bake sale with Armenian sweets.

November, 2024

SOAR Charlotte held a bake sale with Armenian sweets.

September 29, 2024

SOAR Charlotte held an Outreach Picnic.


November 3, 2024

SOAR Chicago held their 3rd Annual Armenian Wine Tasting (with a splash of comedy) to raise funds for the tuition and educational expenses for the young ladies at Our Lady of Armenia Annie Bezikian Center.

August 2024

SOAR Chicago hosted a table at the Annual Evanston Armenian Picnic again. This is an annual tradition!


May 19th

SOAR Cleveland held a coffee hour to raise awareness of SOAR at the local Armenian Church.


SOAR Copenhagen participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 


SOAR Cyprus participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 

SOAR Daimus participates in the Cultural Discovery Program 

Dine to Donate – December 6, 2024, Holiday Campaign – Thru December 15th

SOAR Dallas is holding a Dine to Donate with Panda Express and a Holiday Campaign for Christmas celebrations for the children of Community Development and Social Services Center, Shirak Marz, and Displaced Artsakh Families in Gyumri.


Thru September 30th

SOAR Dallas Annual School Supply Fundraiser for Our Lady of Armenia Center, Gyumri


Thru June 14th

SOAR Dallas and San Antonio/Austin Father’s Day Raffle for Children’s Home of Gyumri.

Thru March 29th

DOAR Dallas Campaign for Easter celebration for Children’s Home of Gyumri.


January 4, 2025

SOAR Detroit Armenian Heritage Night with the Detroit Pistons.


Purchase tickets HERE!

SOAR Doha is an Internal Administrative Chapter overseeing medical requests and funding

SOAR Dublin presentation through the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Dublin presentation to the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers through the  Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Dublin participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR East Asia participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Eindhoven participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Estonia participates in the Global Hosting Program and the Digital Literacy Program

SOAR Frankfurt/Bonn participates in the Language Tutoring Program

September 21, 2024

SOAR Fresno Trivia Night!

GO HERE to learn more, purchase your tickets, or become an event sponsor.

SOAR Harrisburg participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Harford held a Mother’s Day Campaign for two displaced Artsakh mothers, Nona Voskanyan and Tamara Stepanyan

SOAR Hartford board member held a Facebook birthday fundraiser for SOAR

SOAR Helsinki presentation to SOS Village Idjevan children through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Helsinki presentation to SOS Village Idjevan children through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Helsinki participates in the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Houston is an Internal Administrative Chapter overseeing medical requests and funding


Sunday, May 5th

Text 312.933.0793 or 904.699.3929 to RSVP!

Thru March 10th

Get your tickets HERE.

SOAR Johannesburg participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Kansas City (Mo) presentation to the children at SOS Idjevan through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Kansas City (Mo) participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Kiev participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Krakow participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Krakow participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


The Women’s Empowerment retreat, organized by Inessa Shahinyan, SOAR Las Vegas board member, took place from September 14-15 at Aghveran Park Resort and brought together girls from Yerevan & Gyumri TCs, and Kanaker.

The girls had a wonderful time getting to know each other, making new friends, and enjoying the swimming pool, playing table tennis or just hanging out with each other. In the evening, Inessa led a fun online meeting where they created Vision Boards to express their dreams and goals.

We had a total of 30 participants: 4 from Yerevan TC, 4 from Gyumri TC, and 18 from Kanaker, along with Sister Arpine and our SOAR staff—Shushan Aleksanyan, Narine Zhamkochyan, and Ovsanna Mananyan.

Overall, the retreat was a great success! The girls really enjoyed themselves, and we had a brief meeting before leaving to discuss our upcoming plans together.


A 3-day getaway to Hankavan, a 2-hour drive from Yerevan, for young women from the Gyumri and Kanaker Transitional Centers. The trip will include hands-on one-on-one coaching, vision board training, rejuvenation activities, and plenty of fun. The goal is to support the journey of these deserving young women and empower them for a successful life.


SOAR Las Vegas board member, Inessa Shahinyan, will hold six sessions with the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers in Gyumri and Yerevan over the course of 12 weeks through the Female Empowerment Program.

SOAR Female Empowerment Program sessions

SOAR Las Vegas board member, Inessa Shahinyan, will hold six sessions with the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers in Gyumri and Yerevan over the course of 12 weeks through the Female Empowerment Program.

SOAR Las Vegas participates in the Cultural Discovery Program and the Female Empowerment Program

SOAR Leeds participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Lisbon participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

January 5, 2025

SOAR London board members are running a 10K Marathon to raise funds for SOAR.

Sponsor each member below:

Vatche Cherchian

Mariam Safaryan

Araz Farra

Marine Mograbyan

Alice Agulian

Thank you and good luck runners!

Thru January 12th, 2024

SOAR London Campaign for a Christmas celebration for the patients of the Ada Keshishyants Center for Children with Disabilities and for housing for Families of Fallen Soldiers.


SOAR Luxembourg participates in the Language Tutoring Program (English)

SOAR Lyon chapter president Narine Igityan gives regular classes in French to Transitional Center residents through the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Lyon participates in the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Madrid participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

Malta participates in the Global Hosting Program

SOAR Marseille presentation through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Marseille presentation to the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers in Gyumri and Yerevan through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Marseille participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Milan presentation to the Transitional Center residents through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Milan presentation to the residents of the SOAR Transitional Center through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Milan participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Minneapolis continues to fundraise for The Chunmei Guo Memorial
Scholarship Fund which was created to help toward the education of young
women studying in the sciences.


SOAR Montreal Grand Benefit Concert 2024

April 5, 2024

SOAR Montreal held a very successful Grand Benefit Concert.

Family of Fallen soldier Aram Israyelyan
Family of Fallen soldier Aram Israyelyan


The wife of Fallen Soldier Aram Israyelyan, Melanya, received all the tools she needed to be able to start working in her career as a hairdresser thanks to SOAR Moscow!


SOAR Moscow hosted a theatre presentation to raise funds for the Family of Fallen Soldier Aram Israyelyan.

Digital Literacy Program with the Children at SOS Villages
Digital Literacy Program with the Children at SOS Villages


Sessions with the children at SOS Village Idjevan through the Digital Literacy Program

Digital Literacy Program session, SOAR Moscow with the children at Orran
February 22, 2024
Digital Literacy Program session, SOAR Moscow with the children at Orran
February 29, 2024


Weekly sessions with the children at Orran through the Digital Literacy Program

March 9, 2024

“Garbo” Chuck Hajinian comedy performance at the SOAR Naples Winter Event to raise funds for children of fallen soldiers and Artsakh families.

SOAR New Delhi participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR New Hampshire participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

November 23, 2024

New Jersey Paint N’ Sip for the new SOAR Day Center in Gyumri, SOLENA.

Learn more and purchase your tickets HERE!

SOAR New Orleans participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

January 22, 2025

SOAR New York Rooftop Carnival Soiree.

Scan the QR code in the flyer or go HERE to get your tickets!

Thru December 15, 2024

SOAR New York and Syracuse Christmas Raffle for Christmas celebrations and gifts for the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers and other SOAR supported facilities.



SOAR Nottingham presentation to the Transitional Center residents through the Cultural Discovery Program.

SOAR Nottingham participates in the Language Tutoring Program holding regular instruction with the girls at the Transitional Center.

SOAR Nottingham participates in the Cultural Discovery Program.

SOAR Odessa participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

October 18, 2024

SOAR Orange County Comedy Night Fundraiser for the Ada Keshishyants Center for Children with Disabilities.


Learn more and get your tickets HERE!

SOAR Oslo participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Oxbridge presentation to the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Oxbridge participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Perth board members visit the SOAR Transitional Center, Gyumri.


SOAR Perth sold Armenian Gata to the community members for Easter.

SOAR Philadelphia Mixology and Wine Tasting Event

May 11, 2024

SOAR Philadelphia hosted a Sip & Savor Fundraiser!

It was a night of mixology and wine tasting to raise funds for displaced Artsakh mothers.

November 2nd and 3rd

Learn about SOAR Phoenix at our booth at Armenia Fest 2024!

SOAR Pisa is an Internal Administrative Chapter overseeing medical requests and funding

SOAR Pittsburgh participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Portland (ME) participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

December 9, 2024

SOAR Portland Holiday Wine and Paint Night.

Get your tickets HERE!

SOAR Prague participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Puerto Rico participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

Thru December 15, 2024

SOAR Rocky Mountains “Holly Jolly” Christmas Fundraiser for Children’s Home of Gyumri.


SOAR Rome participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Rotterdam English lessons through the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Rotterdam gives English lessons twice weekly to the young ladies at the SOAR Transitional Center through the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Rotterdam participates in the Language Tutoring Program


SOAR St Louis held an art showing of the products made by the residents of the SOAR Transitional Center, Gyumri through their business. The art was shown at local businesses.

SOAR Saint Petersburg gives regular instruction in Russian to the children at Gavar through the Language Tutoring Program

SOAR Saint Petersburg participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR St. Tropez participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


April 20, 2024

Running for Orphans 2024!

Sponsor Talar HERE

SOAR Salt Lake City is an Internal Administrative Chapter assisting in legal matters

Thru June 14th

SOAR San Antonio/Austin and Dallas Father’s Day Raffle for Children’s Home of Gyumri.


November 9, 2024

SOAR SF Bay Area Chapter will be hosting a table at the Artisan Pop Up Event at San Francisco Saint John Apostolic Church.

Questions? Email Zhanna at
or Lernik at

SOAR São Paulo participates in the Cultural Discovery Program and the Global Hosting Program

SOAR Saudi Arabia participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Slovakia participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Slovenia presentation to the children at SOS Villages through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Slovenia participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Sochi participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Sofia participates in the Global Hosting Program



SOAR Southeast Asia participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Stockholm participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

Thru December 15, 2024

SOAR Syracuse and New York Christmas Raffle for Christmas celebrations and gifts for the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers and other SOAR supported facilities.

Scan the QR code below or go HERE to get your tickets!

Drawing January 8th

SOAR Syracuse and Baltimore are hosted a 50/50 Raffle for Artsakh Relief.

The Family of Fallen Soldier Hayk Abrahamyan received their new washing machine!

The Tampa Bay Chapter with the help of “Missions Armenia” (St Hagop Armenian Church) supported the Christmas project for Fallen Soldier and Displaced Artsakh families.

SOAR Tampa Bay raised funds to send assistance to three families:

The Displaced Artsakh Family of Ninel Galstyan

The family has received monthly support, including food, hygiene items, and seasonal clothing.

In September 2024, when the youngest child, Gor, starts kindergarten, Ninel plans to take hairdressing classes and find a job.

The Family of Severely Wounded Armenian Soldier, Lenrush Khachatryan

Lendrush’s wife has been taking computer classes to improve her skills for her work as an inclusive education teacher. The family also receives regular monthly assistance for their rent and utilities.

The Family of Fallen Armenian Soldier Hayk Abrahamyan

The family has received hygiene supplies and food packages as well as gifts for the holidays. They will soon be receiving a new washing machine!

SOAR Tehran participates in the Language Tutoring Program

Bible Study session with the SOAR Transitional Center Residents held by SOAR Tennessee

SOAR Tennessee holds regular Bible study sessions with the residents of the SOAR Transitional Centers.

SOAR Tennessee held a Fundraiser in Memory of Jaklin Hahamyan for Birds’ Nest Orphanage in Lebanon.

SOAR Thessaloniki participates in the Cultural Discovery Program and the Global Hosting Program

December 8, 2024

SOAR Toronto is hosting a “Festive Gathering” to support Christmas celebrations and gifts for Armenian orphans.

Email to R.S.V.P.

Toronto board member Vanig Jelilian to SOAR supported facilities in Armenia


Toronto board member Vanig Jelilian made a visit to SOAR supported facilities in Armenia.

See the report on the visit HERE.


SOAR Vancouver is an Internal Administrative Chapter overseeing medical requests and funding

SOAR Venice presentation to the children at SOS Children’s Village through the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Venice participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

Thru November 29th

SOAR Ventura County Thanksgiving Campaign to provide food for the residents of Warm Hearth.


Thru March 29th

SOAR Ventura County Campaign for Easter celebrations for Birds’ Nest Orphanage and Armenian Evangelical Boarding School in Lebanon.


SOAR Vienna participates in the Cultural Discovery Program

SOAR Warsaw participates in the Cultural Discovery Program


SOAR Washington DC hosted a table at a local heritage fair.

Thru January 31st

SOAR Washington DC held a Campaign for Artsakh Relief

September 22, 2024

SOAR Wisconsin “A Lake County Celebration”!


Completion of the Garden Project at Sisters of Charity, Bethlehem, funded by SOAR Wisconsin!

SOAR Zurich presentation to the children at SOS Children's Village Idjevan through the Cultural Discovery Program

November 2024

SOAR Zurich presentation to the children at SOS Children’s Village Idjevan through the Cultural Discovery Program.