SOAR - Toronto Chapter
SOAR-Toronto joined the Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief- SOAR Family in April 2012. Armenians began settling in Southern Ontario and eventually the city of Toronto in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, escaping persecution by the Ottomans and the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Thousands more Armenians emigrated after Federal immigration policies became less restrictive in the 50s, and a larger number settled in Ontario escaping the conflicts in the Middle East and furthermore after the collapse of the USSR. Today the GTA- Greater Toronto Area –that includes the City of Toronto and its ever-expanding suburbs, is home to a thriving and vibrant Armenian Community with its many Churches, Community centers, Day & Saturday Schools and its many cultural, political and professional organizations.

Anita Koundakjian (Petrosian)
Born and raised by her own Armenian family, Anita is a proud mother herself blessed to experience the greatest joy in life of watching her son prosper. SOAR’s humanitarian effort and mission to provide disadvantaged Armenian Orphaned children the profound support for their development, is a cause very close and dear to Anita’s heart. Anita holds a Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Licence in Chemical Engineering. She has been awarded first place for her Thesis paper at the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE) Canada Affiliate and is a current member of ISPE. As a professional, she has over 23 years of expertise in the areas of Validation and Compliance with the regulations of various regulatory agencies such as Health Canada, FDA, EMEA, ICH within the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology fields across Canada, USA, and Europe. She has lead initiatives in support of both sterile and solid dosage form manufacturing facilities. Essential roles throughout her career as an Auditor, Manager, Technical Leader, Defender in Internal, Client & Regulatory Audits, and Independent Consultant have broadened her strength and desire to lead and is passionate about contributing to SOAR with her vast experience and enthusiasm. Anita enjoys music, travelling, baking, and spending time with her family.

Vanig Jelilian
Vice President
Vanig immigrated to Canada with his family from Beirut Lebanon. His profession is in jewellery design, and he is the owner of Lorne Park Jewellers. Vanig is very involved in the community; he is the Chairman of the Armenian Jewellery Association, Chairman of St. Vartan Armenian Church of Mississauga, and a board member of the Armenian Business Network. His hobbies and interests are Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, and skiing in the Alps. Vanig is joining SOAR with passion to help and enrich the livelihood of the Armenian orphans who are deprived of the care and love of their parents. Vanig’s mother was brought up in Karen Jeppe orphanage of Danish establishment in Aleppo Syria. For this reason, he feels obligated and is compelled to make a difference.

Sarah Shahmouradyan
Director of Community Relations
With over 10 years of experience working in governmental and non-governmental organizations, Sarah brings her project management background and passion for charitable causes to SOAR Toronto.
In her work life, she has led multi-million-dollar campaign fundraisers for the United Way, local food banks, and a variety of health and wellness charities across Canada.
In her volunteer time, she has been active in the Armenian community. This includes helping launch the first ever Canadian Armenian Community Services Centre in Toronto, a non- profit that expanded after-school arts and social programs to hundreds of youth and newcomers.
Sarah enjoys spending quality time with her family, watching sports, and a good laugh.

Nayri Nersessian Santourdjian
Nayri has a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Accounting/Finance. She has more than 8 years of professional experience in Syria, Lebanon and Dubai, before moving and stablishing her family in Toronto, Canada. She has also completed a PowerMBA program while raising 2 beautiful girls. She has recently re-joined the workforce as an accountant at a well-known firm and working towards her CPA designation.
Nayri, alongside her husband, operate ONQ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, a company that provides entertainment solutions (musical, artistic and audio visual) for corporate, private and social events.
In her volunteer time, she was very active in the Armenian Society back in Syria, teaching and mentoring the younger generation about their heritage and culture.
Nayri is honored to be part of the SOAR organization and to help Armenian Orphans towards a better future with greater opportunities.