Established in 2014 by George Yacoubian, the George and Margaret Yacoubian Charitable Scholarship is endowed with a $500.00 donation each calendar year to benefit the Our Lady of Armenia Centers in Bzommar (Lebanon), Gyumri (Armenia), Tashir (Armenia), and St. Theresa’s Little Flower Orphanages (Syria). These five facilities are operated by the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, a religious order of nuns established in Istanbul in 1847. The Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Order is a sublime example of love. Since the Order’s founding, the Sisters have humbly served the Armenian people with that innate quality. As a result, generations of Armenians have been enriched in countless ways by their compassion, devotion, and selflessness.

Born in 1936, Mr. Yacoubian was a graduate of Lansdowne-Aldan High School, Class of 1955 and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Class of 1959. After managing Ithan Pharmacy, Villanova, PA, in 1976, he purchased and operated Coulson’s Pharmacy, Havertown, PA until he retired in 1999. He continued to work part-time at Mel’s Drugs (Broomall) until 2015.
Mr. Yacoubian was known through the community for his volunteer activities. He was elected Avak Sbarabed (Grand Commander) of the Knights of Vartan in 2002. At that time, he had already held numerous offices and had been a member of the order for 36 years. Other activities within the Armenian community included the Armenian Student’s Association, with whom he served as Philadelphia Branch President, Central Executive Committee President, and for 27 years a member of the Board of Trustees including four terms as Chairman. He served as Philadelphia AGBU (Armenian General Benevolent Union) Chairman for 19 years and as a Fellow Trustee of the Armenian Assembly. He was the founding Treasurer of the Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) in 2005 and a past contributor to “The Armenian Mirror Spectator,” a weekly Armenian-English publication. Locally, George was a past President of the Haverford Township Club of Rotary International.
George S. Yacoubian passed away on February 29, 2016.
Margaret was born March 20, 1937 to Haig and Alice Koumjian, the first of four daughters. She was a graduate of North Plainfield High School, Class of 1955, and Douglas College, Class of 1959 with a BS Degree in Elementary Education. She taught 4th grade in Watchung for eight years where she was an active member of the Teacher’s Association becoming its President.
On September 24, 1967 she and George were married and moved to PA. They purchased their home in Broomall and moved in on their 2nd anniversary. There they lovingly raised two children, George Jr., born on December 24, 1969, and Kim Artemis, born on September 15, 1971.
In addition to her committment as a wife, mother and homemaker, Margaret became active in the Young Ladies Guild of Sts. Sahag-Mesrob Church where she and George had been married. She served on the Executive Board for many years becoming Co-Chairman. While George and Kim were students at the Armenian Sister’s Academy, she volunteered her time and efforts to the Parent-Teacher Council, serving on committees, the Executive Board and becoming its President.
For several years she joined two friends in a gift basket business. In later years, Margaret volunteered her time to community programs such as Meals-On-Wheels and the Rotary Reading Program in elementary schools. She was a member of the Matinee Musical Club of Philadelphia and the AGBU serving on various committees of both organizations. She became a member of the Daughters of Vartan. Margaret enjoys entertaining, cooking, baking, crafts, traveling, volunteer work, her friends and above all her family for whom she strives to meet their needs with love and caring.